Ta-Da!!!! psshh, yeah right...

Well, due to recent developments, I'm left searching for myself again. I've become more and more confused evry minute and am steadily reaching out toward insanity. Ugh... well, even though I'm going to go nuts, at least I have my frickin twisty Fritos and orange Kool-Aid. Bitchin', I know.

My ex is an ass-face. I love him to death and he knows it. At the end of our relationship I thought that he was falling for my best friend and he assured me that he wouldn't/wasn't, but for some rason I just couldn't beleive him. Well, we broke up soon after, and less than a week after, he makes out with her at her house. Then a few days later, they start going out. Can you say, "Liar, liar, PANTS ON FUCKING FIRE"?????????????/ ugh, im disgusted...
June 9th, 2008 at 08:29pm