Lucky for all of you, my school starts today.

June 10
7:25 a.m.

The first time I've set foot again on my school. Still with the summer happenings in my head, made me want to just crawl in bed and, not get bad. But, I unfortunately, was suppose to escort this new student who's the cousin of my sister's friend to go to school, since we're in the same level.

As my day begun, I was awoken by my mother's screaming to way me up (I don't use an alarm clock, since I sleep together with my mom and sister). I slowly got up, still with the dream that had been floating in my mind since I woke up, with none other than my 'lover' boy, who I made up, in my head. I took a shower, the usual, then ate my breakfast, 2 pieces of hot dog and, rice with milk and, water and, with my medication.

I shakily stood up and waited our 'service' (in your case your school bus) to come by our house, to drive us to the school. My stomach had thousands of butterflies by then, and, whenever I get them my gut would obviously tell me that things would go bad. So, I was nervous, really nervous, because I might be separated from my friends and, because there was this adviser whom I don't like and, don't want to end up as my advisor.

I walked along the path to our classrooms to go and see where my class was, to my surprise my super best friend is still my classmate, but then, my other BFFs weren't, sad I was, I was still happy since my 'frenemy' wasn't my classmate. To fast forward, my day turned out fine, and, I'm here typing it down.
June 10th, 2008 at 11:17am