June 10, 2008

Today was interesting. I have know Rilan for about 4 years now, he was one of the first people i met when I moved to my new home. He has known I have liked him the entire time but he didn't feel the same so I thought. Today we got on the subject of who we like somehow. He told me he liked someone who lived on our street but wouldn't tell me who. So I bugged him and bugged him hoping to get an answer. I got nothing. So I started guessing and he said if I guess it right he will tell me. So I began to guess; I named every girl on the street except me. Again I got nothing. So I began to think it was me.. but then thought nah its not me it cant be.

So after a while he told my friend that it was me but she had to promise not to tell me. But of course KC being KC she told me.lol. When he found out he didnt even get mad and in fact he asked me out.

I was in shock I wasnt expecting it at all. I told him I would think about it..but later ended up telling him yes. So I now have my first boyfriend who just so happens to be my best friend. Lets face it...this cant end well.

On another note I went to the Drive In Movies tonight and saw Kung Fu Panda and Indiana Jones. They were both really good but I liked Kung Fu Panda better. : P

Really thats about it for today.

Lets see if tomorrow is any better.lol.

Thanks for reading.!

June 11th, 2008 at 08:35am