it's all we ever need - picture a day

As terrible as it is, I got this idea from PlayRadioPlay!'s Dan. He's heard about this guy who'd taken pictures every day of this life, for around eighteen years, up until the day he died from cancer.

I'm always worrying about losing myself and losing my memories, so I decided that this might be a good idea.
And there's always to fact that I love taking pictures.

Each day I'll post, and I'll always have my camera, taking pictures each day.

Hopefully this will turn out to be fun, and hopefully I won't forget to do it.

And also, along with the pictures, I'll probably post an explanation. Or, if I feel the picture doesn't need it, I won't.
I doubt I'll get any readers, seeing as I'm not a scenester with a million friends, but it would be nice if you read and just to know that somewhere out there, someone is reading about my life and in a way, living through it with me.

Dan's blog:
drop aheart line
break aname link.
June 12th, 2008 at 12:28am