ok so here's the deal

ok so heres whats going on. ok well i'm going to have to put my ben kowalewicz and brody dalle love story on hold because i went completely brain dead on it. but never fear, i never let a story go on finshed. so when something does spark i will definietly be updating. i had and idea for a knew series today at school so i will be starting it tonight and most likely atleast posting the first chapter but we'll see how long i have internet conection for. the plotlne for the story was simple. it's basically chronicalling the lives of 5 teenages. 4 being the members of billy talent, and the other a girl. it's just going to be foucusing on the problems they face at school, and in everyday life. well i must go start it. i'm excited to write it.

peace and daggers

June 12th, 2008 at 04:35am