Gosh darn it.

I am SO ticked.
So, school let out today.
I just found out that my music teacher won't be returning next year.
That tore me apart, because I've known her since kindergarten or first grade.
So I'd been crying my eyes out, because I'm just that horrible with saying goodbye.
THEN I have to go out of town tomorrow, which means NO INTERNET!
Which I don't think it's worth it. That's gonna kill me.
But my parents are SO determined to go, so that means I must wake up at five in the morning, leave my sis behind, home alone, in the rain, in the flood.
AND no updates until next Tuesday.

I know I'm supposed to be focusing on the "positives", but the only positive I can think of is that I'm alive, and I'm loved.

I don't see the point; if it's not the people I don't see normally, which is why I have to go out of town, to see relatives, I'll probably never see them again.
I won't talk to them.
And I have to stay at a filthy hotel for the next few days.
And I'm gonna miss an MSI concert.
I'd BETTER be able to go to Warped, because I SWEAR TO GOD, I'm so SICK of missing out on my youth.

Rant over.

June 12th, 2008 at 05:22am