to my slash loving friends.

During a typical Ryden full on slash porn, Ryan will make this face:


Cute. Loving. Fucking Hot.

But besides the point. The point of this journal is I want to know what is your favorite slash moment? It can be from a concert or straight out of a fan fiction. It can even be from your dreams to, don't let me stop you.

My brendon-and-ryan-are-secretly-in-love is when at the 5/24 concert at the Congress Theater in Chicago, Brendon and Ryan backed up into each other, turned around, and just laughed. They had a spark, honestly.

Also, when Brendon broke his guitar string and Ryan (in a flirting sense, at least in my imagination) laughed at his spaztic moves leading to the broken guitar string.


xoxo Cupcake Urie.
June 13th, 2008 at 03:16am