Why Does It Have To Be SKINNY Jeans?

Okay, before I start typing, I just want to say that this is going to be very superficial and may even have a couple streotypes. i hate that it has to include these things, but I can think of no other way to be understood.

Here we go. These days it seems that any guy classified...dark (I'm not going to use 'emo' no matter what) is, like, stick thin. Okay, so maybe just thin. Am I the only one who prefers guys more...well-built? Like the more modest guys in 300.

I'm not putting all such men in the "skinny jeans" category, but the exceptions are starting to get really rare.

You can bitch at me, agree, whatever. I doubt this entry even makes any sense.
June 13th, 2008 at 08:47am