
She tossed my scrapbook, her 13th birthday gift from me, to the floor of the Library. “Here,” she said firmly, “I don’t want it.” I staggered over and clasped her arm.
“At least read my new comic,” I pleaded, holding to my last shred of courage, fears swallowing me. She snatched it from my hands and I smiled. It was a sad, consoling type of smile. She glanced at my 2-page comic and tore it in half, chucking it at the forgotten scrapbook.
I fell to the floor, my face stuck in a shocked, pathetic expression, tears streaming down my face like water facets. I reached into my pocket, and pulled out a knife, in a dead, tearful trance. The knife was lifted to my heart, and my 2 best friends leapt into action and held my shoulders. I looked up at their faces. Zel was sniveling, nose running and everything. Hana had a stern face, but I noticed a gleam in her eye, most likely a lone tear. Then, I looked up to Holly, whose glare tore through it all. It hurt. I felt my heart snap, torn and shattered. I drove the knife into my corrupted heart, Zel and Hana screaming, the librarian yelling, and Holly, who I could’ve sworn was smiling. I…d…i…e…d…
I jolted up, sweating, dry tears sticking to my terrified face. I sat there, staring into nothingness…blackness. “I…I gotta write this down…” I gasped, not yet fully healed of this vision…this…NIGHTMARE. I tore out of my bed, jumped down to the floor and scribbled the vision into my notebook, where I kept ALL my comic ideas. I climbed back into bed, and repeated the words I wrote, until I found myself hysterically crying.
I hopped back out of bed, and gathered my favorite consol items. My Link and Zelda plushies, an oriental Barbie doll from my childhood named Lilly, a Gerber baby doll, and a Bear with a broken voice box that played the sweetest song ever back when I was an infant. I positioned them all around my pillow, and cried myself to sleep.
I realize this is a bit confusing, so I’ll explain a bit. Long ago, (a.k.a. A few days ago) one of the friends I considered my best friend just suddenly said that she basically doesn’t like us anymore. She was following us around all emo-like the first day, too.
The next morning, I woke up as normal. I felt…emo. Usually, this is normal. Usually, I heal from this by the time I see Hana on the bus, but today I didn’t. Even when we went to the library at school it didn’t help any. Maybe it was because of the vision I’d had…it took place at the library, too. Zel tried to help by hugging me, which always works. EXCEPT TODAY. It also didn’t help much that Holly was on the computer next to us. I swear I was on the verge of crying my eyes out!!! I guess I felt kinda like Naruto after Sasuke left, except the fact that I was reminded of it practically every moment.
The moment I realized it was Friday the 13th, I lightened up. From there, it went uphill. I got 16/20 on my Spanish, which I suck at, along with a 9/10. Even one of my teachers threw a “party” for school newspaper members!!! I was confident. I was content. Until, of course, I spotted Holly, which smacked me back into reality. I felt all the sadness pour right back into me, bit by bit by bit. I continued walking to my next class, in a trance, not seeing anything but the back of Holly’s head, my sadness, and the occasional person walking between us. I felt horrible. I still feel horrible. I just want my best friend back.
June 13th, 2008 at 10:39pm