Because a pencil's not sharp enough

I have a "best friend" named Lizzy. When she first moved here, we all included her (our group of friends) since she was new. Seeing her full name on the list of kids in our homeroom, I immediately thought, "Either she's going to be popular, or she'll become friends with Allie (my best friend EVER) and then become part of our group of friends." At first, she was introduced into the "popular" group (In case you haven't noticed, our group of friends is not popular) but Cassidy, my other friend, noticed that those people don't actually like her. At the same time, Allie was making friends with her and eventually she was one of us. At first, she was cool - funny, creative, a perv but always making us laugh, and she always had amazing stories to tell about herself at her old school. Her life seemed amazing - easy school, lots of friends, loving family - always had stories to tell whether it was about embarrassing herself in a funny way, or just plain awesome stories.

But then as time went on, she became...well, a BITCH.

At gym, (from stories from my friends) she would always be like, "Oh, no one ever includes me." but they would always try to get her on her team (all of my friends, that is) but she'd back away. So then they'd give up and then she'd start crying about the same concept that no one includes her. Sometimes she'd call my friends bitches when they literally did nothing. Lizzy would also, in a way, make fun of emos. (Labels are stupid, they are just names. Nobody is truly "emo" We're just people. I'm just me) For example, I had an account on and my username was xxxim.not.okayxxx or something like that and she said, "Emo much?" I said, "It's one of MCR's songs." very coldly because that was a huge insult right there. But she didn't know that it was my username for more reasons...She was very selfish, might I add. She had a much better life than we all did. MUCH BETTER. She kept on doing stuff like that and I'd keep telling her not to but obviously that didn't work...
She kept on doing shit like that all throughout school - all the time. She would cry a lot too. At the same time, we would always try to include her, care about her, all that stuff. But still she refused.
Eventually, she became suicidal.

One day, me and Allie were walking - one of the rare times we were together during that time. And then Allie got a txt from Lizzy saying that she's going to kill herself or something along those lines. Being pretty far from Lizzy's house, we started freaking out and we just ran and ran and ran. While running, I txted Cassidy about it and she started freaking out as well. By the time we got there, we knocked on the door and Lizzy was the one who answered. We screamed, hugged her, and she's like, "What?" as if we just randomly came to her house, out of breath, and scared to death for no reason. We told her to sit down on the steps and we calmly told her about how we never wanted her to commit suicide. Even if she was a bitch...I mean, it's SUICIDE.

Before that, we were at a sleepover party with Francesca and for Francesca. Lizzy was also invited. That night, most of us were watching TV and stuff except for Lizzy and Cassidy who were running around us in the basement and playing random stuff. The next morning, we were going to have breakfast. We tried to wake Lizzy but she wouldn't move. So we all went upstairs and had breakfast. We went downstairs to find Lizzy crying and stuff. She was saying how we all left her to have breakfast but we said it was because she was asleep and we tried to wake her up. Then as we argued more, she suddenly burst out quietly that she hurts herself intentionally. I was the only one who heard and she made a fake face saying, "Oops" but it was a fake one that makes it look as if she accidentally spit it out but it was so obvious that she meant to.

That kind of thing continued. After Allie and I ran to Lizzy's house, a week or two afterwards, or just recently, Lizzy asked me, "Do you have scissors?" I replied, "No..." But I knew what she was thinking. "Why?"

"Because a pencil's not sharp enough."

Those words hit me hard.
"Lizzy, I know what you're thinking. Don't. I'm not stupid." As we went to homeroom, I saw her check her wrist often and even take a pencil out and stab her wrist. During lunch, I finally convinced her not to hurt herself. She promised she wouldn't and we made a deal and stuff. But that night, I cried. I almost cried during school and I was sad all day...well, more for a week or something.

Now here comes the main part.

Just today, Allie, Me, Cassidy, and Gloria were waiting for Lizzy and then we saw her and Dan (who is popular) came up to us and said, "Whoa, is she okay? She's like sobbing." We went up and found out that she lost her cell phone.
But she was crying about it.
Why? I don't know. We literally looked everyone for about 1/2 hour and then toward the end, she said, "I hate my life. I hate my life." and she said how instead of killing herself, she hide in a shell for the rest of her life until she dies of old age.

Um, excuse me? IT'S A FUCKING CELL PHONE!!!! Of course, she said, "It's my life." I don't know how a cell phone can be someone's life because her phone...I don't know how it'd be extremely important like that and she kept on saying how her mom's gonna kill her and she said, "Someone kill me now - my mom's gonna kill me anyway!" She continuously cried and continued to exclude herself.
During that time, Allie took charge which made me a bit mad because, in a way, she acted as if she was the only one who could fix the problem. But that was nothing compared to how sad I was then. Lizzy acted as if her life was the worst ever but ever thought about people with AIDS/HIV? Ever thought about kids in Africa? Ever thought about Hurricane victims? Ever thought about people with diseases? Ever thought about people who are abused and deal with alcohol, drugs, and divorced parents? Ever thought about Allie or Cassidy?

Ever thought about me?
June 13th, 2008 at 11:59pm