Summer so far.

Summer is finally here.
The bittersweet season consisting of dreadfully unbearable heat and no school.

Who could ask for more?

You have an excuse to stay inside AND don't have to worry about writing a five page paper about the social problems featured in Wuthering Heights.

My summer actually started out pretty well, which to me meant being outside for more than a few hours and keeping my computer time to a minimal (around two hours or so) but now it's getting rather dull.

Excessive babysitting is all I do now and days.

Don't get me wrong, my brothers are good company, just not when they are fighting, which is most of the time. And with my sister gone most of the day due to summer school and drum sessions I'm stuck dealing with them alone.

Talk about hectic.

I tried getting a job but sadly every place I applied to has turned me down, and believe me when I say I applied at quite a few places.

Pathetic I know.

So I'm stuck at the house most of the time and tend to have so much time on my hands I'm not even sure what to do with it. I've done nothing to productive so far.

But I'm hoping something will make this summer worth while (or at least a slightly memorable) and that it doesn't fly by to fast.

June 14th, 2008 at 01:12am