
So, everyone tells people that drugs are bad. If you do drugs, you will die. If you do drugs, you'll lose all intelligence you once had. If you do drugs you'll ruin your life. This statement makes me a bit angry. I feel as though there are two different types of drug users. Addicts and Experimentalists. An addict is someone who needs a certain drug to get by on every day to day thing or else the feel extremely low. These people often 'use' meth, coke, and speed. However, other people just like to experiment with, maybe, hallucinogenics (shrooms, acid, salvia, nitrus) I don't believe these drugs could ruin ones life. If one is prone to mental illness such as schizophrenia, paranoia, or something along those lines, then a bad trip could throw them into a mental hospital. But people such as me, who maybe battles just minor depression, is it really that bad for me to experiment? I don't understand how doing something like that could ruin my life if I was safe about it. Also, I don't understand why some of my friends would no longer be my friends because of my own decisions. It's not like I've ever in my life pressured anyone.
June 14th, 2008 at 07:33am