"Closing Time..."

So today was the day we went to Seth's graduation party...where I had to say goodbye to all of them.

*I sat with Daniel and Meg. We talked about how we could be Meg's extended arms and she could be an Indian goddess.

*That's what she said.

*Hillbilly golfing: Two golfballs attached to either side of a string, swing them to hit structure. If they get on the bottom rung, 1 point, middle, 2, top, 3, side, 5.

*Daniel chasing after Daisy, the cat.

*Milkshakes-vanilla and chocolate

*Hot dogs and hamburgers

*Who wants cheese?

*Alcohol in hamburgers

*Hi Seth! Bye Seth!*

*Go fuck yourself. *raises rifle* Aww, I didn't mean it...

*Right spins. Left spins are hard.

*Break rake spinning it.

*Do show with broomstick and rake.

*Daniel can predict my menstrual cycles because I get angry and angsty. Plants could have estrogen. Would they get PMS? Puberty starting early in kids.

*Daniel the metrosexual, fruity hair, walk-off,
June 15th, 2008 at 02:29am