What pisses me off the most is two face people. Yea thats right no matter what. I can stand ignorance but not two face people. Saying they are your friends then all of a sudden their bitchass is talkin shit behind your back. Turns you against your friends. It straight out pisses me off. What i want to do is go up to them and hear them say what they got to say about me. But NO when you actually go up to them they say they didnt say shit! what the fuck makes me want to knock them out bad. Punch them right across the face. No i was taught to never hit anyone first unless they hit you. Yea stupid huh? but i was raised like that so obviously i cant go up to someone and just punch them out. Its a hunger i must contain. I want to make them bleed and make them beg. But i cant! because they cant say anything to my face. It fucking makes me angrier. But i swear when i hear them when i listen to their bullshit I will Make them fuckin bleed like little bitches they are. Fuck them to the fuckin ass yea i hate them with a passion and one day im going to fuck them up like they deserve. If they dont understand with words they will understand with actions. I try to talk to them right and straight foward. But they have to act like little mo fuckers! it fuckin makes my fist tighten. Yea i enjoy the haters because they are making me famous HAHAHAH but...theres only up to ONE point i can actually stand them. And once they start fuckin with my friends its when it pisses me off. But c'mon lets face it who dosent WANT TO FUCK PEOPLE LIKE THAT OUT!!??
yea yea violence is not good and watever but honestly damn it makes my blood boil...and to stop my blood boiling and chill..it needs to hits something their bones shattering is the best you can actually accomplish..but thats only MY opinion right?
June 15th, 2008 at 06:53am