Another Cpnfusing Thought (2)

well i'm just gunna rant:

Ok, so last night I was watching Anime, and during a commercial during InuYasha it started to pour, so I went outside to stand in it. Don;t ask why, my brain confused even me sometimes. But anyway, I was standing outside in the pouring rain at one in the morning, when I realized; Humans are weird. And awful but really wierd. I mean... what other animal drinks other animals milk... like on a daily basis? And what other animal kills other animals just for fun? Ok, on the good side: abstract thought. Humans (as far as we know so i highly doubt this) are the only animals who bother to make art for the hell of it. Of course, as much asi love art, it does squat for the world. I love it, i'm an artist myself, but really... it's doing nothing for the state of our world. Finally, we're growing at an exponetial rate, and every body's like "save the rainforst" and :world hunger" which, i am all for actually, but still, with our population growing like it is, we should be worried about the fact that eventually the worlds resources will not be able to hold all the humans it will, and lots of people will die. WE've seen it with other animals., so we know its going to happen, but why not; instead of that problem focus on going into space where you might bring back some dieease that'll kill us all instead of curing cancer.

ok...; i'm done...
June 15th, 2008 at 06:06pm