Just a rant..

You know it has come to my attention how younger and younger girls are believing being a gangster and dressing like a slut is the "in thing"and it's completely stupid. How did our socitey come to this, "oh you gotta lose your virginity at such and such age and you'll be mega cool." It's retarded. Kids are seeing people like Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan walking around with their chest almost completely out of their "shirt" and their "skirts" showing most of their ass. Then for some strange odd reason, most kids listen to Rap and Hip Hop when they first start branching away from the kiddy stuff. Which the Rappers are all about sex, money, and crap like that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trashing it because I don't listen to it, because I use to. But then the lyrics got stupid to me. Kids are starting to believe it's cool to be a gangster, because they aren't told any different. It's sad that kids dress decent and dont want to go around having sex with every other guy/girl..are being picked on because they aren't slutty. They get called freak, geek, loser, uptight, and much more.. Because they want to save one of the purest things for someone they know they will love forever?! How the hell did we become like this? Because all you see on tv is sex, drugs and crap like that. It's sad when you see a twelve year old smoking weed. And you are on myspace and you see a ten year old girls page and she's barely covering herself. Or you hear your thirteen year old brother talk about how he was almost jumped because he hasn't had sex with his girlfriend. Once this fad - because thats what it is, it's only going to be in style for so long - people are going to regret their decisions they've made. Like when their sixteen and have a four year old child... or their eighteen and having to go rehab.. or half their brain is gone because they was driving drunk and crashed into something. It's sad to see your thirteen year old neighbor get critized when she tried not being a slut and tried being emo... so now you see her, the little girl you've watched grow up, dressed in skirts that look like wash cloths put together, and shirts that show most her chest. And hearing that she smokes weed, and gets drunk with her family. It's sad to see your four year old niece throw up the blood sign. This world is just filled with idiotic people. They need to grow the fxxk up and knock some common sense into their dimwitted brain. I'm sick and tired of 15 year olds only doing things because it's what the "cool" kids are doing. "Cool Kids" aren't going to be very cool once they've realized that they're pregnant and all of their dreams don't matter anymore. They're not going to be cool anymore when they're struggling to keep a job to feed the baby and clothe him! They're not going to be cool if they take the keys and drive drunk. They're not going to be cool when they crash and kill the parent of a one-parent child forcing the kid to have to go into foster care and live a shitty life. People need to fxxking realize this and make better choices.

I guess I'm done.
this is all just what I've been thinking about lately.
June 15th, 2008 at 08:36pm