
I've been called emo before. Sure i listen to Emo music, like MCR, ( if you consider it emo that is). I don't always smile. But does that make me emo? I've heard alot of myths about being emo. I don't dress emo, I don't harm myself in anyway. I'm confused. Labels aren't for people. Labels to me are just another type of segregation. I don't think it's right to divide people by what they wear or what music they listen to. What is a prep? What is a Punk? What is a Skater? Who are these people that created these labels and decided the requirements to be put in this so called "group". I don't think I'm wrong and I don't think I'm right. Like i said before, it all depends on what kind of person you are.
June 16th, 2008 at 03:32am