hey this is for you!

Hey Kenny.
I know you're reading this so..
I just wanted to let you know that everytime i say that i hate you, I mean it in the nicest most loving way possible. Honestly, i really do love you, but for some odd reason.. i hate you, too. i don't understand it either, babe. So, no worries. Aside from all that nonsense shit i just threw out there, i hope we stay close for a really long time. as in- forever. and i know we will, because, hey, look. we've been broken up for a while, and in different states, and we still talk everyday!! thats more than i can even say of my best friends. but ur one of my best friends too! so needless to say, were pretty close.

I fucking hate parentals sometimes. So fuckin gay. They cant fuckin tell me to not talk to you. Cuz trust and believe i will do it anyway. not only to be defiant, but because they cant fuckin tell me to stop talking to my best friend. i wont take that. They dont know wat im going through, and quite frankly, i dont wish to tell them. i have my problems and they have their own. And you kenny are probably the only person i tell so much to. ur the only one im probably gona be talking to all summer cuz everyone else is fuckin busy the whole fuckin summer. so if im fucking having problems getting depressed and crying every night and fuckin cutting myself and your the only one i can talk to, they better not fucking take that away from me.
love you kenny!
June 16th, 2008 at 05:32am