Personal thoughts; take no offense.

Here are a few of my thoughts on some aspects of life. I just got bored and I don't care if you read this or not, it's for my own interest being here. Sorry in advance if I say anything against you.

My Thoughts On Love & Marriage
Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you always want to be together, and when you're not, you're thinking about being together because you need that person and without them your life is incomplete. This love is unconditional affection with no limits or conditions: completely loving someone. It's when you trust the other with your life and when you would do anything for each other. When you love someone you want nothing more than for them to be truly happy no matter what it takes because that's how much you care about them and because their needs come before your own and you love this person too much to possibly even consider hurting them in any way, as cheating doesn't even phase you. You also feel as if you can tell then anything, and they will listen. It's when they're the last thing you think about before you go to sleep and when they're the first thing you think of when you wake up, the feeling that warms your heart and leaves you overcome by a feeling of serenity. Love involves wanting to show your affection and/or devotion to each other. It's the smile on your face you get when you're thinking about them and miss them. Love can make you do anything and sacrifice for what will be better in the end. Love is intense, and passionate. Everything seems brighter, happier and more wonderful when you're in love. If you find it, don't let it go. Yet, love, in the end, is what you make of it. You don't necessarily need love to survive, but if you find someone that fits you, go for it. You can't force somebody to love you. Don't go looking for love because you will not find it. You have to let love find you. If you're willing to give someone love and commitment, and make them the happiest person alive, then you deserve to be in love, whether it be with a boy or a girl, or whatever race. Love has no preferences. Love is love, and it's the same with marriage. I think gay marriage should be legal, although I am straight, and there is nothing wrong with that at all. Marriage is the same as love. It has no gender, age, race, or color. What I don't get is that a 16 year old girl can get married to some guy if they have parental consent, but if two guys or two girls try to get married, its illegal. Our problem is: discrimination.

My Thoughts On Cheating
Do me a favor. If you're going to get into a relationship, don't cheat. What's the use of having a relationship if you're just going to sleep around with other people? You get into a relationship with somebody to show how much you like or love them, not to show them how much of a whore you are by sleeping around with other people. I have never cheated in any of my relationships, and I never plan on it. It's disrespectful and pointless. Not to mention, it makes you seem disgusting. At least, if you think you're going to cheat on the person you are with, which you shouldn't even think that, you should have enough decency to break-up with them, and not have them catch you. And it's not even the fact that they would catch you. It's the fact that you know it's wrong and it shouldn't be done no matter how badly you want to try something different, or something dangerous. Try skydiving, or bungee jumping if you want danger or excitement. If anyone ever cheated on me, they would be found on the side of the road, mutilated. That person would never get a second chance for as long as they, or I live.

My Thoughts On Music
Music is an expression, and an art. It involves time, patience, and practice. What I said to this in the beginning of learning how to play in instrument is 'why would anyone want to work this hard for something that may not even happen?' But, now I realize, even if you are the one who wrote only a line in the song, or a note, or even one song. To be able to play this, and to be able to play this for different people from unique and individual backgrounds is inspiring, which makes you want to write and play more, and more. The beauty of music is that it actually changes your molecules. You can listen to just one note and it can make you happy, sad, or instantly connected to another place in time. One of my friends said to me that the great thing about playing a live show, or even just playing for a few friends in your basement, or room or whatever, is being able to take that personal connection you have with a song and share it with a room full of people.

My Thoughts On Religion
I respect everybody's choices on religion, and I won't base who you are on what you think about it, and I've tried believing in The Bible. I've tried going to church and sitting there, nailing this information about Christianity into my head. I don't think it's for me though. Personally, I think religion is pointless. You are led to believe that there is this one almighty person, and that you owe your entire life and everything you've ever done to this one person and it's a dictatorship. The way I look at it, if I see it, I believe it. I never see this "God" figure, and I can't name one sane person who actually has, so I don't believe it. And when you die, you're supposed to go to heaven or hell. Yet, how do you know id you're going to end up going there, it's not like you've died before. And if you're not the first source who told you about it and how do they know what's going to happen when you die? I think it's all crap, and you should just live life as you are right now, because honestly, not to make this all depressing, but it's going to end one way or another and no matter what religion you are, or even if you have a religion, we're all going to end up somewhere other than we thought. Religion is just something created, and by who?, to give people hope. It just gives them something to look forward to after all of this, especially if what's now is shitty. It's a choice, and when I tell people that I don't go to church, and I don't practice a religion, some people are perfectly fine with it, some people don't care. But other people are like, 'OMG! You don't have a religion? That's bad!' and personally, I could care less because whatever other people think about your religion, they're just typecasting and labeling you as being different than them, so there is more bigotry.

My Thoughts On Stereotypes and Prejudging
Personally, I think if you a see a person, and don't like them automatically, it makes you a hypocrite. Would you want someone to judge you like that? Didn't think so, so why bother judging them before you get to know them? It's not like they ever did anything to you, and the person that you are actually judging could actually be really cool. Sometimes people prejudge others on their race, age, gender, and nationality, which I consider to be stereotypical. It's incredibly deceiving to meet two people, and hate one because they might be one sex, and like the other one because they are the opposite gender. It bothers me that someone is too stubborn to get to know the person that they are prejudging. I know I dislike people, but I have reasons at least, and I've tried to get to know them before yet I just can't see myself having a relationship, of any kind, with them. Yet, at least I tried to get to know the people before judging them. Next time you judge someone, make sure it is after you have gotten to know them.

My Thoughts On Smoking & Drugs
In my opinion, I think that if you are going to do drugs or smoke, it's not my problem. But, if I do try and stop you, you'll know it's for a good reason, not just the fact that I think it's a sin or illegal or whatever. I don't mind hanging out with people who do drugs or smoke either, as long as you don't do it in front of me, because I don't like the smell of it, and as long as you don't try and pressure me into doing it.

My Thoughts On Sex & Abortion
If you're going to have sex, wear a condom. Be smart, seriously. Sex is nothing to joke around with. You could get pregnant or you could get STDs. Those are two very important things that could affect your entire life in the long run. It's your choice to have sex, so make it a right one. If you don't want to wear a condom, prepare for the consequences. There are too many diseases out there to be messing around with. There are plenty of warning signs floating around the media about condoms, STDs, and pregnancy. Take the hint. Not to mention if you do get pregnant and you don't want the baby, what are you going to do with it? Abortion shouldn't be used in this scenario, it was your fault for having sex, not the baby's. Abortion isn't the answer a lot of the time, for example, if you think you won't be a fit parent after you decide to have sex, you shouldn't kill the baby. At least try to raise it or put it up for adoption. Then some family who would want the baby could adopt it, and the child would be happy with them. Yet, I think if it isn't your fault for having sex, and you are young, like in the case that you got raped, you could possibly, if it was your only choice, use abortion to resolve your problem.
June 16th, 2008 at 05:29pm