Approximately 6, 602, 224, 174 Faulty Creations

It's probably not a shock to know that humans were not God's greatest creation: God's greatest creation was love. I don't know where I am with God and I guess that makes me sad in a way, yet I hold onto this in-between stage because I want to hold on to the sin of love. You know you're messed when good things, such as love, become a sin. What is good wholesome love? Even as I ask that I know that I know what GOOD love is, but how many people have good love nowadays? Almost 7 billion people on this planet and they all have hearts which are filled with love, to overcome all the hate that this world pours on us. With all this love to give and take we should start a revolution. We should show love in everything, how hard could that be? If everyone showed love there would be no reason to show hate, for there is no hate with love. But then again, if there is a love, there must be a hate, just like if you believe in the existence of Satan, then you must believe in God as well. I'm at the crossroad and now I have to choose whether to trust God and his commands, or to go my own way. Of course, indecisive as I am (Libra all the way!), I decide to wait at the crossroad to hitchhike. I wish I was capable of making decisions myself, then maybe I wouldn't have to depend on others as I do, I'd finally be INDEPENDENT, but that's easier said.

Love Rough – Intro [For Lindsay’s essay]

With one look at the news it is obvious that there is too much hate in this world that we call home. We see nation turning against nation and family against family. Human beings are endangered in the name of pride, power and money. The value of a life is next to nothing and evil thoughts and actions are all too common. Every pair of eyes on Earth has seen evil, so what makes all these terrible things bearable or rather, what makes life bearable? The one thing that counteracts hate and the word that ends war. Truly the only thing that stops hate is love. Love is the only thing that makes our lives worth living and with approximately 6,602,224,175 people on this planet it’s a significant part of our identity, as human beings. It is completely true that with only 80 years to live, that there is no greater thing in our lives than love. Love is the incredible feeling that rises past fondness by a thousand miles and conquers and controls our minds and bodies. Love is the one thing that is worth waking up in the morning for and the one thing that gives us hope for tomorrow. As a species, we have come far and developed past our expectations, but all our accomplishments mean nothing without love, for honestly, what is anything without love? Love is used in vain: far too often. Even so, true love cannot be denied for when you love it is a part of you, a part of your identity. So with so much bad surrounding us we, without a doubt, have a whole lot of love to give and when giving and receiving love feels so good, there is no reason not to. Even though it’s not and will probably never be possible to have complete peace in this world of ours, love gives us the hope to carry on.
June 16th, 2008 at 06:45pm