The Inconvenient Truth

As this world turns again and again we, as human beings, struggle against all the bad things that happen to us. The Inconvenient Truth is not excessive carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, for there is something far greater: far deadlier. The one thing take takes a toll on human life and a human beings will to live: our inability to get along with each other. Think about it... murders and broken hearts out number cancer and disease related deaths by a landslide and it's still counting off our population. As we have seen from the world's past mistakes such as all the wars and hatred that has encountered the human race: IT'S ALL OUR FAULT. Sure we can blame one person all we want, "Oh Hitler was evil!" but the truth is that it is not one person, it's all of us. From how much we have developed, as a species, over the last century it is clear to see just how much humans are capable of, yet dogs are still superior to us. Never do animals of the same species kill each other out of prejudice and pride, but we, the rulers of this world, still yield to such barbaric ways.
Sometimes I wish that I could just wake up one day and the world would tell me that it had been lying to me all this time, that people like Hitler never really existed and people never hurt eachother. It would tell me that it had lied to me so that I might appreciate how wonderful this world is, and I would believe it because I wanted to. It would also tell me that everyone who has ever hurt me hadn't really meant it, and I would believe that because I desperately wanted to. Unfortunately, there will never be a day when I get to wake up and think that this world is completely good, because it truly isn't. This world is raw and full of hurt, from hatred to hearts not realigning properly, there is no way to hide the feeling that we do not belong to this world. Even though we have probably all contributed our share of hurt, deep down, we're better than this. It's the world's corruption that has bled onto us, so that we too have become corrupted and I now understand the truth. The truth that God had forwarned us all about: we are not part of this world. I guess that point is that you don't need to wake up and listen for the truth, because you already know it and if you're mind hasn't comprehended it, than it's about time you did. 'We do not belong to this world,' and that's the only truth.
June 16th, 2008 at 06:58pm