Letter - To My Soulmate:

To my soulmate (That's right, I know you exist):

Where are you?
I don't know who you are, or what you look like, or even if you're a boy or girl (I'd bet money you're a girl though), but I know that when I find you I'll love you for everything that you are. I know that when I find you I will have found what I've been longing for my whole life: someone made for me. When I meet you I'll know right away, I'll know that my whole life has just been preparation for you. Everytime I fall asleep hugging my pillow at night, everytime I think of romantic things to do, everytime I write romantic thoughts; I'm practicing for you. Sometimes I just sit and wonder about where you are, or what you're doing at that moment and I feel so helpless. I can control a lot of things in my life, but I can't make myself meet you or fall madly in love with you, simply because I don't know who you are. I wish you would stop hiding from me, because I know I'll love you and will never hurt you. I hope you're looking for me right now too, I hope you long to be with me just as much as I long for you. I really hope this part of my life works out, because if it does I don't think I'll ever be unhappy again. Who could be unhappy when they have found someone to love and be loved by? Maybe I'm just naive in thinking that all my problems will go away when I meet you, but maybe there's some truth in that. When I find you I don't think much else will matter to me, it'd just be me and you forever, I hope you want that too. When I meet you I'll be the happiest person on Earth, because for once in my life I would have everything that I've ever and could ever want. I'd make sure that you'd know that I loved you, for that would be the only truth. When I meet you I'll ask you to be mine right away and you'll say yes, for you'll know that you belong to me, and me to you. Some may think that we were rushing into things but the truth is that I've waited my whole life for you. I've always liked the saying, "Why rush when you know that you'll be with them for the rest of your life?" but it is quite flawed to be honest. I mean I don't know how long I'll be alive and I intend to spend as much of that time with you. Also, even though I know there's so much I want to do in life, I know that I don't want to do any of that without you. I'd tell you all of this, and you'd say yes for sure, because it was meant to be. No problem will ever bug me again, for I could feel like crap all day, but coming home to you would make up for it; I could have a terrible nightmare, but waking up to you would make up for it. When I meet you, I'll tell you that I will love you forever and don't think that it's a lie, for I could never lie to you. I've been alive for fifteen years now, loved twice and got hurt more times than I can remember, but that's okay, because all of that is just preparation for you and I'd glady take whatever else comes. I just hope that I won't have to wait for you very much longer, for every minute that I don't know you is a minute I could spend in your arms: heaven. I hope you're looking for me right now and I just pray that you won't be fooled by any pretenders, for I'm made especially for you. I've loved you forever and will forever love you. Come find me.

Yours truly,
June 16th, 2008 at 07:07pm