Last Day?

So it's the second to last day right? Cleaning out my locker and my desk (: Whoodedoo! I found so many broken pens and useless paper, I could open my own Office Max. I still haven't told the guy I like that I think he's awesome.(sigh) I don't think I'll ever tell him... maybe on the last day.... or maybe not :'( This year has been fun, one of my good friends is leaving. I hope he does well next year. He was in my math class and he made it really funny. Gosh, I'll miss him. Half Day tommorow! I have absoulutly no idea what we could possibly do in three and a half hours. My good friends celebrated the day by hoarding lollipops. It seemed as if everytime I turned around thay had a new one. I admit i was jelous... until I got one (hehe) Summer will be alright. Not going anywhere big. Maybe we''ll go to the bech... I haven't swimmed forever.
June 16th, 2008 at 09:40pm