If you ask me 'how are you?'

Well if anyone wants to know what kinf off an answer they get if they ask me the question 'how are you?' and wanting a real answer it would sound like this..

"Wel lI'm fine.... Accept for the fact that the sun made me get headaick (and no I don't know the english word over the aick in the head that I get). I get 'headaick' from the sun so I need to wear sunglasses, but I forgot to wear them for ten minutes and jiipy now I'm dying because off that (in the head that is, I have sensetive eyes)
And on my way home (we were at a beach and this was the fisrt sime ever I was walking there) there was this alcholic dude... and I got scare (what a suprise I'm always scared off strangers) so I was walking around there and finally took the right turn (I was in the woods with trees so if i'd get los I'd die xD) and got home, where I fell a sleep until my sister was playing at a concert thin (she plays a piano. not the thing I'd spend my day listening to but okay) So I got up, extreamy tired (I can sleep for hours, did I mention that?) and went to the place and when I got home I did some stuff? Can't remeber what, but anyways that's everything xD Or not really, my ipod was flat today (Ohh no not again) and I acctuly had to listen to the teachers voice... and that's not what I usally do, (I usally have my iopod on and stare at the floor thinking random thoguhts)
But not that's all, how are you ? "

So now can you answer me what is going on where you are :)
June 16th, 2008 at 11:33pm