So yeahh... first entry

I haven't written in/on this thing before, so I haven't got a clue what I'm meant to write tbh! (:

Well firstly, my fanfics are going okayyy... I have one in the making as well, specially for Becky (:
But I really need to update Behind The Mask.
Lips Of Deceit was pdated last night, I was slightly entertained writing it, but it took me a week (N)
But I've keft school now, so I'll have more time to update things and write more (Y)

On a different note, I'm really getting into Hollyoaks In The City, and its getting proper interesting now. xD
All these new things keep happening
Ahhhh you have to watch it (;
Its last year's series, but I never saw it, so I've been sticking to making it my monday night priority, and thanks to Sian I'm remembering ;D

speaking of my siannieee
I'm staying at hers on friday! =D!!
Can't wait either!!
We'll be up late watching A7X videos & scary films and eating sweets & stuff :')
Awww I love my Siannie! =D (L)

I should really finish things I start. This has been in the process of being written since HITC, which started at 12. Its now 20 past 3 in the morning and I've only just remember I had it open (:
I'm starving! (N) Might go get some fooooooood =D
And my ear needs stretching to 8mm soon (Y) And I want my top ear pierced AND nose AND scaffold AND tattoo :)
2 more years and the parents cant stop me doing a hting ;D
G'night Mibba! (: x
June 17th, 2008 at 04:23am