Surgery,Hawaii,and no fun in between!

Yeah I'm having a breast reduction on July 15th I don't know what time but I'll find out on June 25th when I go to pre-op.My insurence won't pay for it so my dad is forking out 75hundred something its very worth it though I' am having headaches,shoulder,and neck pains and not having a life.And then in September from the 23rd to the 30th I'm going to Hawaii,the island of Oahu to be exact with my brother Chris,aunt Ricci,and my grandma Stephens.My brother Chris will be turning 18 while were there and he's super excited cause he gets his tattoo. And in between the surgery and Hawaii is Warped Tour and a few more concerts.My mom said no cause I have to many things going on which I understand but I can get the money and the rides so its no big deal but whatever I'll just get my friends to call me when I wanna hear a song I guess.Well I think I'll go read ferards until Jon & Kate Plus 8 comes on then go to bed.

June 17th, 2008 at 05:11am