The Bare Truth

My heart throbs through this hole you left. My pulse beats through this empty bloodless hole I’ve torn. White bone showing, laughing my own death in my face. Lies upon lies are written on my face mingled with tears of guilt, regret. This awful hole tears itself longer, wider. I cant escape it. It’s a mirror reflecting who I really am inside. I am the ugliness that you cant help but stare at, the darkness that lingers, always near, threatening to overwhelm me, the white hot pain that wraps around me like an old friend. But most of all I am the blood that now cries out my heart, the nauseous metallic smell that makes your head spin. Gags you, chokes you relentlessly. I’m so thirsty for your love, your smiling eyes and strong arms around my shoulders protecting me, loving me. You are so addictive, my drug. I cannot live without you. I don’t want to live without you. With you by my side I am beautiful. These bloody gaping mouths that swallow my wrists, shrink into their own acid hell. Your kisses chase away dreadful feelings, shed light on my safe black blackness. Into th4 blackness I am falling, more willing than I could have imagined. You aren’t there to love me so I don’t see the pointing trying. You love was all I lived for. Only one thing I worry about now as I fall indefinitely
-will you remember me?

June 17th, 2008 at 06:55am