I find this kind of strange...Got Opinions?

Okay so, I'm really into helping people in Africa like the situation in Darfur and diseases and poverty and such. I do what I can, considering I'm just a freshman in high school, like organizing things in my school club and supporting sites like Oxfam America but I just read this article that is a bit weird to me.

Basically, this person, being African, is really against the term "Save Africa". He feels that with the big celebrites like Bono and Angelina Jolie and getting large amounts of credit for "saving" Africa, when there are African humanitarians that are really helping others in Africa. He says that they don't need saving. Campaigns with the usual "blond haired blue eyed college student" are sterotyping "Africa as a black hole of disease and death."

Here's the article if you want to read more:


But, I don't really understand where he's coming from because well, there are a large amount of people in Africa who actually are in need of help. It's just a bit racist to me that he doesnt seem to appriciate the help of white celebrities as much as african humanitarians like Nwankwo Kanu or Dikembe Mutombo. And to me, it sounds like he wants credit for Africans but it's sounds like the article is spiteful and resentful towards the people who just want to help.

What do you all think about this?

And serious comments, please.
Not some "You said Africa in this about 15 billion times." Because honestly, I know that.
June 17th, 2008 at 12:07pm