Viva la Boom

So today me having no activities and is extremely lazy decides to bake a cake. Well since I rarely use the oven because we usually use a convention oven, there wasn't enough room for me to cook the cake since i needed two pans. So being the ditz I am, I dump it all in and bake it. I'm watching in love with the 80's when all I hear is boom! I freak out and see chocolate mix oozing out and I'm standing there with a giant spoon letting it all fall out. This goes on for like 10 minutes. Then brilliant me goes and grabs a rag to take it out of the oven but it just drips all over me. When it finally stops here I am licking batter off of me and then I put it back to finish cooking. It's finally done and I'm all happy because it looks really good besides the fact there's a giant hole on the side. I was going to put frosting but it was still hot. Therefore I put it in the freezer. Bad idea. It melted like three plastic back and my Hersey bar. I was literally crying for my chocolate. All in all it tasted pretty good and now I feel like I should become Richard Simmons and burn off this fat in a sparky polyester jumpsuit with matching Rhine stoned headband. So wish me luck because I'm probably going to raid my fridge for more chocolate.
June 17th, 2008 at 10:31pm