Dylan Made Me Happy [[:

mk so Dylan [woahkid] and I were on AIM and I was trying to help her with character names, personalities, and stuff like that for her new story and she wanted a title for the story and I helped her pick the best title ever for her story. Like the name just totally fits the story. And it made my night cause I helped her and she said that I rocked [:

Dylan: im thinking "panic" or "phobia"
Dylan: any ideas?
Me: i like phobia, but that really only applies to one of them
Dylan: yea, but he's also the main character, ya know [:
Me: eeeh true
Dylan: i kinda like panic
Dylan: i dont know!
Dylan: growl
Me: grrness
Me: i was thinking paranormal, but it doesnt fit
Dylan: i think youre thinking of paranoia
Dylan: and i like that!
Me: yeah
Me: !
Me: i was like
Me: theres a word close to this,,
Dylan: YOU ROCK!
Me: youre welcome
Me: [:
Dylan: hahah
Me: i feel awesome right now
Dylan: you should [:
Me: helping you just totally made my night
Dylan: hahah yaay

06.17.08. 11:15pm
[Mood]: happy [[:
[♥]: Dylan for making me happy [:
[x]: nada. zip. zilch. nothing [:
[Listening to]: Breathe No More [Live] by Evanescence [[:
[Thinking About]: how happy Dylan made me [:
[Wishing]: that I could feel this happy more often [:
June 18th, 2008 at 05:01am