Suggestions? Please read?

I stared into his eyes. Maybe if I looked for long enough I’d find the reason he was acting this way. He’s possessed, he’s on drugs, he hates me. WHY?
What would he do if I spoke? Could he be sick enough to blow my brains if I moved.

“Run, Clara! Get away while you can!” No, I couldn’t otherwise he’s kill me. What’s gotten into him? I’m going out of my mind, I can’t think straight. If only he’d put down that gun, everything could be talked over. If only. If only… If only wishes came true. I closed my eyes, I don’t want to witness the love of my life pulling that trigger. Let him do it, there’s nothing he could get out of this accept for a life sentence.

But why?

‘Gerard, put the gun down and lets talk,’ I spoke quietly. I winced my eyes in fear he might pull that trigger… He didn’t but speaking was the wrong thing to do.
‘Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!’ He screamed as loud as his lungs would let him. So loud that I thought they’d give in. The ground beneath my feet shook. I backed away, accidently moving. I shifted back in shock, the back of my legs buckling over the coffee table. I steadied my hand on the wall next to me in time so I wouldn’t fall.

‘Gerard, you’re scaring me,’ I ever so slightly spoke, tears filled my eyes and rolled down my cheeks causing a few strands of hair to stick to the side of my face.

I looked up at him, he was still pointing that gun at me. His eyes also filled with tears looked back at me. I honestly don’t understand, what was he getting out of this? Was it giving him a rush knowing that I was scared to death? A small part of me wanted him to just get it over and done with, I couldn’t bare standing here one more moment with that gun in my face. What am I to do?

He tried his best not to cry, I could see it, the way he looked at me, as if he was staring straight through me. He was trying his hardest not to let them tears fall. But it did. Just a small, single tear went sliding down his cheek and falling from his chin onto his grubby, leather jacket. That sent him off the edge.

I trembled in fright, what was he going to do to me?

‘Fuuuck! I HATE IT, I FUCKING HATE IT!’ He screamed, kicking over everything in his sight. He kicked the door, causing his foot to go right through it, he punched all the picture frames hanging on the walls, causing his knuckles to bleed. He was losing control, and I couldn’t do a thing about it. I let out a small cry as more tears flooded my eyes. I had never been so frightened.

Gerard stopped. He gazed at me. That look in his eyes made me want to run. Just run until I was as far away from him as possible. I never wanted to see that sweet face again. Never.
He came pacing towards me. What do I do? Where do I go? I didn’t, I didn’t do anything, not whilst he had that gun in his hand. I back away just that little bit more, making me tumble down onto the coffee table. I let out another cry, looking up at him. He snatched my hand and pulled me up, running into my bedroom and pushing me up against the wall.

‘Gerard, please, just let me go. You won’t ever have to see me again. I promise.’ I wasn’t helping at all, but I couldn’t keep my words in. I wanted to plead for him not to hurt me, I wanted to get down on my knees and cry. ‘I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!’ I couldn’t take his screams anymore. I let it all go. That enormous lump in my throat let itself go, and I didn’t stop myself to let my cries loose. I didn’t care anymore if Gerard killed me. I didn’t care.

‘Get on the bed and lie down,’ that smooth voice. I remembered it. The way he used to whisper sweet things in my ear, and I could feel his small breathes run down my neck. I rubbed my eyes so I could see clearly and did as I was told. I slid down onto the bed slowly, not forgetting about the gun he had in his hand. ‘What are you going to do?’ My shaky voice trembled but I was cut off. ‘Just lie the fuck down!’ He shot his arm up, pointing the gun to my head, making me get down onto the bed as fast as I could. More tears, more cries, more begging. I tried everything, but he didn’t take that damn thing away from me. I desperately wanted to say it. Maybe if I said it he would change his mind about all this. Maybe he would put the gun away and hold me, maybe he’ll be sorry.

‘I love you, Gerard,’ there, it was done, there was no going back. I had said it and now all I had to do was to wait for his reaction.
His face showed no emotion, but another tear found a way to escape his eye. And another and another and so it carried on. But still, he didn’t make a sound or show any sort of expression on his face.

‘That wouldn’t matter if you’re already dead.’ He whispered.

I didn’t say anything back. There was nothing to say. I just laid there, with my stained eyes and my shaky breathes. I wasn’t shocked when Gerard slowly strolled toward me and sat at my side. It wasn’t long before he let himself fall next to me. I looked at him, I knew what was going to happen next but I wasn’t scared.

‘No one will notice because no one will care…’ he assured me. It’s true, no one will care. You get reported murders, everyday… no one will notice.
I waited. I slowly breathed out, relaxed my muscles and finally started up.
‘I’ll still love you,’ I said. I assured him, he could take my life away from me but he couldn’t take away my feelings, my soul or my love.
His face smeared with shock and for a small moment I thought he wouldn’t have the guts. That was the last thought that ever went through my head…

.....................I need to know if this is good enough? I was thinking of writing out a story... i've done most of it and planned it out, and this is one of the very last chapters. Is it worth putting a story to it?

June 18th, 2008 at 02:40pm