I'm in a Haiku Mood

I'm in a Haiku writing mood, so I am writing lots of Haikus. I am posting two or three of them. Maybe more if I feel like writing them. Just something to keep you guys busy while I continue to write my story.

On another note, Dylan!! Where are you?! I need your help for my story! Well, you’re probably sleeping or getting ready for your swim meet. Good luck! I’ll just get your help later [:

I’m listening to The Ghost of You. Best song ever. So sad though. It just makes me feel better. It’s my current anti-drug.

I just gave myself a heart attack. I accidently pushed Twilight off the edge of the ottoman and I literally jumped like two feet into the air. It startled me.

I’m going to go write more Haikus and more of my story. I’ll probably write a Haiku about how I just scared myself. Hahaha. Byas [:
June 18th, 2008 at 07:29pm