Just wanted a Hug

a boy sits on a bench and watches the other children play. he doesn't know why, but the others call him names and beat on him a lot. the boy is slightly nerdy and looks a little awkward, but he has a kind heart that no one seems to see. his mother calls her son Amoro, for love, though she has no love in her heart for the boy, only for the permiscuis men that come and go. you're prpbabaly thinking that this boy is bitter and wants nothing more than to die,but you are wrong. like most children, he has an innocent heart and loves life like no other. He wears a brave face when he is abused and punished for who he is, by his classmates, the neighborhood kids, him mother since she is s drunk out of her mind.the abuse and neglect happen often enough, but he has gotten used to it. in fact, he knows nothing else. to him, it's just another part of life. as the boy grows older, taller, stronger, he begins to resent his boozer mother and druggie step-fathe, everyone around him.they all have become him enemies. he no longer loves life, but hates every minute of it. he calls himself Rifle now, for his quick-temper and hurtful words and actions.every day in detention, he mutters and swears under his breath that one day he will seek revenge on everyone wh tortured him as a child, stole away a peaceful beginning.he grows fast, learns fast, watches those around him, silent, still, but deadly.then he strikes. with a Rifle, no, a machine gun, granades. first him nother, then his step-father and old enemies go slow. forty-two students in a high school also die that day. teens he never knew, they never said a hateful word to him, were not even born during his strife, yet they paid with their lives. the murderer was just a broken boy at heart. maybe all he needed was a few hugs..someone to tell him they loved him.
when the last gunfire rang clear in the still, shocked air and the sirens blared in the distance, a tear ran down him face for all his guilt and sins and pain and he took his own life. his last expression was one of final peace.

-feb 11-
June 18th, 2008 at 10:16pm