Sometimes I just think

So today, I was having a conversation with my friend Hether that live in Idaho and some of these topics came up. :)

Note: SOME OF THIS STUFF MAY BE HARSH! So read with your own risk.

Gay Relationships and Marriage: I'm all for it, even thought it's against the bible, but didn't God also say to love everyone?? Okay so they are gay and some people believe that they deserve to go to hell, but what about someone who murdered his whole family and yet he deserves to be forgiven?? Love is love, no matter what color, gender, status in life, or orientation. Just let them be happy, they have their own little communities so why should we as people go and mess up their lives just to be cruel?? Is that really necessary??

Abortion: It's murder, enough said. If you are mature enough to have sex and be stupid and NOT us a condom, then you should pay for the consequences! Don't you pay attention in sexual education?? I do understand that maybe for some people it was rape but even if you were raped and got pregnant, should you really make your child pay for that bastard that did it to you? I know that it would be a painful reminder of that dark time. Still, have it and give it up for adoption if it's to painful. Would you really kill or rather destroy a child who may have done great things. Your child may cure fucking cancer hell even bring world peace. But you will never know that because you decided to be a twat and kill it, way to go you asshole.

Religion: Honestly, I think it's your call. Weither you decide or want to believe that there is a higher power, is totally up to you. I'm a chrisitan and if you respect my views, I will definitely respect yours.

Love and Relationships: Ahh the oh so famous 4 letter word that all of us like to throw around. I believe that love can't be described by just a few words. No song is deep enough, no poem is strong enough, no words can express the true feeling of love. And for different people it may mean different things. You have to want it and mean it. Sure you may love someone, but do you really LOVE them? Would you really be willing to lay EVERYTHING that you knew on the line?? If your answer is yes, in my opinion, you're in love. What really makes me upset though is when girls get all moppy and cry because they thought "he loved me" well obviously he didn't. I've been there, and I've come to realize that love, it's not about kisses, hugs, and sexual relations. It's about how you really feel what's in your heart.

LABELS: The other day, I was at the mall when this guy sees me walking out of Hot topic with a couple of bags in my hand and he goes "Hey you, emo kid." Automatically if I shop at Hot Topic I'm a emo kid?? When I went to a show in the houston area, just to hang with some friends and listen to some great tunes. Some people recognized me from myspace, one guy even wanted my autograph and another my picture. I mean that's great and everything but what really pissed me off was when I was known to as that "Scene kid" off myspace. It's SO nice to know that I so famous that I can't even walk 12 inches away from the store with out being labeled or even hang out with my friends and enjoy some good music or just HANGING OUT WITH THEM AT A FUCKING PARK. It's SOO very nice that I get grouped with ever other fucking individual who just so happens to dress like me. [notice sarcasm] We are all guilty of labeling someone at some point in our lives, even if we didn't mean to but I highly dislike labels. Why would you label someone as if they were soup or processed box food?? It's like the person is a merchandise that you have to label in order to sell. The media is half responsible for this labeling with them trying to uncover the source of bullying in school but why should it matter? Let people act like they want to act, dress wherever and however they want to act, and BE WHO THEY WANT TO BE! Regardless of race, status in life, or taste in clothing. Then if you don't dress like them, you are a poser and get bullied constantly. The only reason that people bully others is because they are DIFFERENT. Then people get pissed when other people label them, do unto others as you would have them do unto you is what I always say. Seriously, grow up already and begin to realize that people will be whoever they want to be and not mindless zombies like you.

Give me some more topics and questions you would like me to answer. :)
and I will update with the answers. :)
June 19th, 2008 at 02:22am