what should i say?

ok so i realized i never posted a journal. so i think now should be the time that i do. =]
if u've read my about me then u know a bit about me. heres some more info that might be too much to put on my profile. im a fairly loud person{ hehe ;] ) i absolutely love photography. and music. i think i would probably die without music. my friends are my saviors. i need them in my life. and i love every single one of them. =] hmm...what else should i tell you? oh i know, i love writing. i have an account on quizilla. actually i have two but one of them isnt letting me sign into it. my old account is shecklersgirl7 and my new account is xshecklersgirl7x. so much of a difference, huh? lol. i only did it that way so that my friends on there would know i'm the same person. so yes, back to writing. i love writing poetry. i guess u could say i'm a bit of a hopeless romantic. most of my poems are about relationships or something relating to them. don't ask my why cause honestly i don't know. when i think of a line of poetry i immediately write it down and i continue from there. i love reading as well. even if they are fanfics on quizilla. i could sit here for hours just reading them, well only if they are good ones. lol. i especially like the ones on ryan sheckler and bam margera. i adore them <3 i guess u could call me a dork or a loser. but i don't mind, i take it as a complement. =] and one of my friends calls me a nerd but thats just between us. =] as u can see i'm a generally happy person. i love smiling and laughing. theres nothing wrong with it one bit. =] so yea. i wrote a poem before so i might post that in a few. well i think thats enough for now. if you want to know more or just wanna talk, message or comment me. k, thanks. bye!! *WAVES* =]

{{ Lucy <3 }}
June 19th, 2008 at 02:34am