The Doors to life.

As Jim Morrison said, "There are things that are known... and things unknown... and in-between are The Doors." By The Doors he accually meant the band he was in, though for everyday life, it can have a whole different meaning.

Things known: Morrison came from a family where his father was in the military. His father would usually yell and beat up the children when they made a small mistake or accident. Morrison learned to tough it out and not shed a tear. In my past experiences, everyone cries to see their children grow up. Friends leaving. Death. Everyone cries to see friends and family members move on. Older people think that we shouldn't be sheding a tear, toughen it up. They think it's stupid. You should ignore their comments.

Things unknown: Morrison's life was that when he was maybe our age, or younger. When he was smaller, he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and join the military. He was going to study in Annapolis. He never knew that his plans would have been changed by a simple and easy to avoid mistake that he made. We all have our lives ahead of us. We don't want it to come at all. In the end, our dreams when we were just toddlers, soon will change. We might never be that great doctor, singer, actor, or vet we envision. Some people, if they stick to their goals, will accomplish something that might be greater in their lifes. Other's just slack off. We people have more enthusiasm in our lives and support. We don't slack off. Our dreams and goals shouldn't be shattered into a million little pieces. We need all our spirits and much more.

There are two doors in our lives. The "good" door, and the "bad" door. Others call these "doors" the "roads to life." Morrison went through the "bad door" and started to abuse drugs and alcohol. He was a very disruptive pupil in his high school. He had and IQ of 149. He finished college and graduated from UCLA. Even he abused drugs and alcohol. He still had the ability of writing amazing peotry. After graduating, he lost all of his family contacts and rumors were spread that his family had all been dead. Before any of these rumors had started, he and his friend Ray Manzacrek started the band, The Doors. Our lives depend on our own decisions, not the decisions of our family or friends. You can't let other people be your puppettier. They can't tell you to cut your hair, tell you what you have to wear, or even tell you that you "have" to do drugs because it's "cool." That is up to us. "Bad" door. The "good" door, happiness and be proud of yourself. You yourself are a very unique person. You are able to make your own decisions and not waste your time and your life with anything that doesn't interenst or suit you. If you believe in yourself, you will succeed. There's nothing that can stop you. Set your limits, set your dreams wild and free!

As Lawrence said in School Of Rock "Don't let the man bring you down," and the words of AC/DC, "And for those about to rock, I salute you!"
June 19th, 2008 at 03:58am