tenacious love

She cries for him at night and everyday she wonders if he is alive. Has he killed himself yet? Have they finally murdered him? Overcome with guilt and helplessness, she waits by the phone, by the computer, waiting to see if he was yet again tortured the night before. He wishes he could give her more, Apologizes for his own misery, shares the only thing that is truly his own, his son. They are too young, too vulnerable, in love. So far apart, yet closer than ever. He is her sunshine, she is his life, his reason for living, his heartbeat. They share tears of mourning when their son was taken. Taken and not returned. This hell in endless, burning him slowly, unmercifully. His pain is hers as she burns by his side. Now They have turned on her. He has done everything possible to sidetrack them but prevailed. They will hunt her down for she is the very last thing that makes him happy, keeps him strong. His child is dead. Without either of the he is dead inside, dead. It’s a wonder he was stayed alive this long. Love is strong and wills hi heart to beat through the infinite nights of agony he endures just to hear her voice once again. No matter what happens, they will always be together in each others hearts, written deep in theis skin with bloody raZrblades. Their love will live forever.

-feb 17-
June 19th, 2008 at 06:17am