*gives mirror death glare*

I'm stuck in some sort of phunk with myself...

I just don't get it but recently i've been so extremely self cocious. Kinda to the point that i'm thinking about extremes but what stops my is my friends I'm gonna visit and life with for a while soon and music helps me SO much.
It's just like I can't accept my appearance. Like some days i'll look in the mirror and think "hey I look decent" but recently its like "Oh my god I look awful". I feel like punching the mirror in...

It doesn't help that my new friends (and PERFECT cousins) have guys hit on them all the time and have their boyfriends and stuff.

Srry about this but I've got to get some of this out i'm really feeling bad and i'm trying to get of this phunk.

Thanks to the people who read this journal and I don't blame the peopl who don't because their so bored of rants.
June 19th, 2008 at 10:51pm