Searching 101

This is my attempt at helping the mods out with repeated topics. So if you were interested enough in the first place to click on this, below, I'll tell you my method of searching when either looking for something, or checking to make sure the thread you want to make wouldn't be a duplicate.

Step One

When you search and it asks for the time period, ALWAYS select 2 years, Mibba may not be that old, but it's really the only way to make sure.

Step Two

When you have an idea for a thread, type in any keyword that comes to mind. There could be 30 million different ways to go about naming a thread of the exact same topic, so if you have 30 million ideas, search for each one.

Step Three

It won't kill you to search through 10+ pages to make sure yourself. Don't be afraid to bring threads back from the dead, but only do it if you have something important to add.

Saying "me too" or "^ is right", does not count as important. If you don't have something interesting to add and bring the thread back to it's once active viewing, there's really no point in posting or making another whole new thread about the same thing.

Step Four

Make sure your ideas can't fit into a current and active thread before you even think about making a new one. If you have a confession to make, there's a thread for that. Annoyance that you need to vent about? Keep it controlled, but there's one for that too.

Step Five

Don't be lazy. Searching through two pages on a board and not finding what you're looking for does not mean you make a new thread. The search button and General Q&A topic on The Mibba Community board are your friends, they don't bite.

Step Six

If ever the time comes when you get a swarm of ideas for a new thread(s), write 'em all down and pick the best one, one that you know people will have fun responding to or will make them think. Have motive behind it and try not to be too random, but still be creative.

Step Seven

If it happens that a topic slipped through the cracks while you were searching and you make a new topic and a mod locks it after explaining why, do not argue with them. They have a hard enough time trying to keep the boards spam free and everything. Accept it and don't be hard on yourself, there's tons of other boards to post on and other things to do on Mibba.

I hope this helps anyone that was having previous trouble and that it takes away some of that stress mods are going through.

Leena <3
April 19th, 2007 at 06:05am