Chips and Tomato Sauce.

I have to tell you about my life, since no one else will listen.

I had my eye surgery finally. I had it on Wednesday, no!, I am not blind - My eyelid was infected. When the doctor was doing all the cutting, he cut into my eyelid and a splat of blood landed right on my eye, I was blind by my own blood.

I am designing my tattoo's for when I am 16. I have also planned what I am doing to my hair and where I am getting new peircings. It's called a make-over. I am so sick of myself...

I was cutting again, like I cut alot of things, mainly ones of Aiden. (cutting pictures out of magazines).

Currently listening to: Music. What music you ask?. Good music.

Is anyone reading any good FanFictions, The Used, that are not all sex and that have a storyline.? Might aswell ask, nothing else to do

'Why bother bothering for a poem or another sad song to sing?!"
June 20th, 2008 at 12:11pm