To All My Readers, And Mibba Friends--

Hiya guys! I just wanted to let you all know that my computer is currently being fixed, so I probably won't be on much. That also explains my lengthy absence up to now. This absence, however, has got me in gear, and I've written another chapter to my story! :D I haven't updated it on here, yet, but I will soon, I promise!! I've also written another Avenged Sevenfold One Shot. :) It's not updated on here yet either, but keep on the look out for both of those.

As for those of you who have sent me friends requests and profile comments, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to accept them, and get back to you guys. =/ My computer that I was using decided to crap out on me, so, like I said, it's being fixed. The one I'm on now is pathetic, and a piece of junk, but I was going through withdrawal from not being online, lol. To explain the pathetic piece of junk part, this computer is running...wait for it...Windows... ... ... ...98. Yep, that's right, kids. Good ol' Windows 98. And, the ISP I'm using is AOL. Not all that bad, right? I mean, people still use it and all. Wrong. It's AOL version 7.0. SEVEN POINT OH!!! I don't even think you can download AOL version 7.0 anymore. Haha. But, I can't complain too much. At least it's internet access. *shrugs* I don't miss AOL, though. My ISP is Kiva (on the computer being fixed), and I like it a lot better, plus, it's cheaper. For those of us who like to save money, but still get quality things for it, it works for me, haha.

Anyway, so I'll let you all go. I just thought I'd explain my long absence and all. Hope you guys understand. :D

June 21st, 2008 at 04:59am