Packing Sucks

Packing sucks. I don't feel like packing. I hate packing because my mother always makes me way over pack. That is why packing sucks. Where the hell is my flipping duffel?! I kinda need it if I'm gonna pack. But noooo. It decides to disappear on me. That is also why packing sucks. As much as I am excited for camp, I just flipping HATE PACKING!!!! bahh. Maybe if I had some help I wouldn't hate it so much. Anyone wanna help me? Ah who am kidding. Half of you people on Mibba don't personally know me. And the Mibbians who DO know me are probably too lazy and/or busy to help me. pehh. I FUCKING HATE PACKING DAMMIT.

this concludes my rant. [:
June 21st, 2008 at 07:56pm