The Person Who Believes They Know YOU

Ok, this is a point I know, for I used to sort of be like this. I would always say: " I don't know if they'll like that...."
But my mom is EXACTLY like that. She THINKS I like purple. She THINKS I like the clothes SHE likes.
I HATE IT! Hearing her say these things makes me want to smash my head through multiple windows.
There are plenty of people like this, and it makes me terribly mad.
I think everyone understands this, and 99% or the people in the world have a reletive EXACTLY like this. They might know you, but they don't know everything you like, what you hate, what you love, who you love, and what you deserve.
I'm spoiled, I'm probably very bitchy at times, and I probably don't deserve anything, but my DEAR mother believes she has me all figured out.
I used to have a friend like that, and I was with a guy and my friend, (it is most often girls who do this) at Starbucks, and my guy friend told my friend something, and you know what she said? " Don't say that in front of her, it'll probably make her mad."
But, he always liked annoying me, so he said it and you know what I did? I cracked up, laughing my head off like crazy.
I mean can't you see that my racous laughter is a sure sign of extreme anger? Oh yes, I'm just BURSTING to rip you in half!
Sorry, I don't have the feeling of anger. Buhhbye now!
Yeah, it made her really mad, and she flounced off out the door. She even left her coffee! (that I had paid for...grrr... she still owes me!)But thankfully Michel (that's his name) drank it up too.
But this happens to everyone probably, but no one with ever have me figured out properly ever because my personality can be anything. I can wake up in the morning and go, Oh! I feel like gardening! or go I feel like being sad and sit in a corner all day.
Some people will even do this:
You say: "I like lord of the rings"
They say: " No, you don't."
They will try to convince you that you don't know anything about what YOURSELF.
I mean, wtf?????? How DARE they tell you what you like! They don't KNOW you! This has happened to me (this girl tried to tell me what I like and don't) and then we went into this HUGE argument until finally it was resolved by me puching her in the nose.
So, this is what people who judge before they know do, and I certainly hope you arn't someone like that.

I'm being mean at the moment, so don't yell at me via internet cause it won't solve anything.
June 21st, 2008 at 11:32pm