Oh Princess, you make the party...

I have decided that I should start using my journal here on Mibba.
Those who 'knew' me on quizilla knows that I used to be somewhat of a journal whore. I posted journals about pretty much everything. Anything from quite personal stuff to really random stuff, and stuff about my stories.

Apparently I have to actually put effort into my journals according to the attention thing on top of this page.
what does that even mean?
Isn't the whole point of a journal that you can write whatever you want pretty much?

But I guess I could put 'effort' into my journal, whatever that actually means.

Does it mean that it has to be important?
Or does it mean that you can't post stupid stuff like "zomg, add me on myspace"
I guess that's what it means.

You know what I really don't like?
Chain letters!

"Repost this to 50 people within 5 minutes or a dead girl with no tounge comes and rapes your dog with a meataxe!"

Please and thank you!
June 22nd, 2008 at 11:35pm