Tezzy, the untold story!

Okay, let's do an about me.
This should be interesting.

I haven't really written an 'about me' in very long, so I don't really know what I should write.

I'm not a very interesting person I'm afraid.
At the moment I have blond and pink hair, and my best friend doesn't really approve of it that much, but she learend to deal, so all is well.

Unlike what most people believe I have never done anything of what I have done to my appearence because of a trend. I didn't dye my hair black to be emo, I didn't get peircings to be cool, and I didn't go blond and pink and get extensions to be scene.

All I have done, I have done because I am bored with how I look, and I want to do something fun, so don't leave me unattended with hair dye within reach.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way lets go on, shall we?

I'm a very simple yet very complicated being.
I have two types of pills that I have to take everyday so that I don't go insane.
I'm clinically depressed, yet everyone who doesn't know me for real thinks that I'm the most happy go lucky fun person the know.
Weird how that works, huh?

I have, or had really, a psychologist whom I hate more than anything at times. He annoys me to no end at times, and Ireally can't take it. Luckily I don't have to see him every week anymore.

Yes I used to cut, though I don't really know if I have quit for real or not.
I don't really mind people knowing anymore, I have realized that people tend to be more embarressed and taken aback by it then I am ashamed of it.

To be honest I'm not ashamed.
The fact that I cut myself might not be something I'm proud of, but it has been a big part of making me who I am today, and right now I kind of like myself, how ever conceited that might sound.

I might not be what's considered 'normal', but then again what is?

Are the kids who try their hardest to be cool and pretty and just like Britney Spears, pro marrige, normal?

Are those who desperatly try to not be normal, have those become normal?

Normal is an extremely loose term, so who really knows what is anymore?

My best friend says I'm a pessimist.
I say I'm a realist.
Life isn't perfect!
Nothing is!
And going through life ignoring the flaws in people and sociaty is simply stupid.
At least that's my opinion.

I've been told I'm pretty, and I've been told I look like trashy whore.
Personally, I think I don't look half bad.

I've never had a boyfriend.
I have never had sex.
And I have never even been kissed.
And I'm 17 years old.
In my circle of friends, that's odd.
In real life, it's not that unusual.

I like swingsets and kindergardens more than parties and alcohol.
Apparently that makes me emo!
I don't think so.
I don't care what people who walk by thinks of me as I it on the swings at night with music in my ears and a cigarette in my hands. Iff they look or point, I simply wave and smile.

Don't let people get you down, if they try to bring you down they're not worth your time!

I hate to admit it, but I let myspace get to me not long ago.

I got a couple of comments saying:

"Your default picture makes you look ridiculously trashy! Most of your about me is so grammatically incorrect, it's embaressing, seriously, get a language coach or even an english dictionary before you write anything else dear. In fact your whole about me makes you sound like the most pathetic loser I have ever come across. Sort yourself out love!"


""Most likely, I am nothing more than some random person in a country far away from your own." This is a poorly constructed sentence, you cannot begin a sentence with most likely, it goes against grammar in the english language, it's pretty insulting when you foreigners get it wrong!"

this and a few more comments actually managed to get to me, and I stopped writing for a couple of months. Right now, that might be what I'm most embarressed to admit.
I might not have perfect grammar all the time, but I do infact write bettter english, than a lot of people who have english as their first language. And keep in mind that I have both a first and second language. None of witch are english.

Not that you should have any interest in knowing any of this, but for some reason it feels kind of good to know that if you actually bothered to read all of this, you might actuall take the time to tell me something interesting, or actualy read my stories. Who knows maybe we can be friends.

Take me over the rainbow and let me play with the fairies!

"Have you ever sat down in the fresh cut grass, thought about the moment and when it will pass?"
June 23rd, 2008 at 12:19am