Deep Down, There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

OK,so where I live there are several relationship problems that my friends are experiencing. I know, you're thinking, "But Googlebugger, why on Earth do I care about people I don't know?" Well, you don't have to care. You don't even have to read this. I went on a little rant about Love. Yupp, now you're thinking, "Oh jeez, not one of THESE kids again." Simple, don't read it. Good? Good, that means no getting mouthy in the comments, if this gets any. Well anyways, I decided to write this for myself and for my friends. And I thought it was pretty neat so I posted it on here. Enjoy.

I think when someone tells you they love you, either: A) They mean it. or B) They're just like everyone else who will ever say those three words to you. Love is the most complicated, yet most simple concept in the world. Once someone asked me what love was. And I told them that love, to me, is bleachers at the football field. It's getting a kiss because you beat a boss on Kingdom Hearts. It's talking in third person to eachother. Love, to me, is a ring made of a paper that was bent into a circle and covered in aluminum. But of course, Love is different to everyone. I believe there is only one person who will ever truly love you. Now, I'm not saying you can't love more than one person, alas, you can, and most likely will. But don't let yourself trick yourself into thinking that the girl you're dating, or seeing, or whatever, is the girl you're going to be with for the rest of your life. Although I'm sure you'd very much like that. As would she. Because there is a whole world out there. Places you would never even think of. Places whose name's don't even look human.
All I'm saying is, Love can be anything, to anyone, at anytime. There's a difference between Love and like. When someone Loves you, they're supposed to care about you, they're supposed to believe in you, they're supposed to trust you, they're supposed to Love you. But when someone likes you, and it feels right, they're supposed to learn to do all of the afforementioned things. They're supposed to, but most times, they won't.
Oh sure, "Pfft, Sean, you're 16, you know nothing about love." As a matter of fact, I'll tell you what I know about love.
Love is often a four letter lie. Love is often a heart breaker. Love is often what keeps us alive, and yet kills us at the same time. Love Is The Slowest Form Of Suicide. Because you're letting yourself fall for that person. You let yourself get so attached, when you were clearly aware that anything can happen. You let yourself fall, it is your fault that you are sad. But don't go cutting your wrists yet. Although it is your fault, it's not your fault that the other person up and left you high and dry. That's their fault. It's their fault that they left, they chose to, no matter how bad the thing you did to make them leave was. You might not have even done anything. Or, you could have done the worst thing possible. Either way, they left, not you. They did.
Now let's looks at it from the one who left's side. So, you left. It was your decision. Now, what led you to the conclusion of this decision? What made you leave? Why did you leave? Was it something the other did? Were you "getting to attached."? Are you afraid of falling in love? Was it for the best? Was it for your own good? Or theirs? Sigh, I may never know the answers to these questions unless I leave someone myself. Myself.
I left someone once. But it wasn't truly Me that left. I was told "If you love me, you'll go." So I went. But in the end it was useless, all it really did was cause pain and show that I loved her, which was already more than clear.

So, to the heart broken, I dare you to keep living life happily. Sure, you've lost the one you love(d). You're never going to get over anything if you keep thinking about all the negatives. Then again, you probably won't make any progress by thinking of the good things. But just think! You were in love. You were truly and honestly In Love with someone. In ten years, when someone asks you, "Have you ever been in love?" What would you want to honestly be able to say? Think about it. Just sit, and think. You Will make it through. You will get over it. No matter how terrible it may be.

And to the heart breaker. Think about what you've done. Think about how you're feeling. Is this how you want to live your life? Are you who you want to be? Do you love who you want? Think about how the other person feels. Think about what you've done, and think about why you've done it. If you can't think of a good enough reason, then fix things. Fix things before it gets too late. You could save a life. Or even better, you could save a future, and a heart.

And finally, to all of you who have not experienced love. Just... uh, stay away from the opposite sex... forever. Uhm... they have cooties? Oh forget it.

Just live/love life.

One of my best friends once wrote, "Life is found when you die to yourself. Death is found when you live for yourself."

Well to you, I say, Love is found when you find Life and Death.
June 23rd, 2008 at 12:20am