Are you ready for the chaos?

A lot has been going on lately so i thought i might share it with you :)
on June 19th i went to MTV live in Toronto too see Rob Dyer. it was amazing, i met him after and Silverstein play, they are amazing, i met the lead singing and apparently he lives on my best friend's street. We walked from MTV live on Young street all the way to Front street to get to the GO train and on the way stopped at Wendy's and made a mess :p we also stopped to see a street preformer and while we watched Carlos from the Zone on YTV walked by! i got a hug !

On June 20th i dyed my hair!!!

It's blonde now and looks sooooo goood :P my friend did it in her boyfriends bathroom. then we went to the Oakville Water Front Festival. it was awesome. the Jonestones played and they were soooo funny and then Hedley played, they are amazing !!!!!!!

Then today i went to see my best friend Amelia's brother's band play in Hamilton. it's so skechy there, i was scared. The band i saw is called No Serenity and they are AMAZING lol

I'm part of their street team and we have a myspace we are called Chaotic Warnings adds us
June 23rd, 2008 at 06:39am