101 facts about me.

1) I like the feel of a sunburn.
2) I think the tissues are weird, they feel really weird.
3) I'm scared of love.
4) Eggs are GROSS, atleast to me.
5) I freak out over slugs.
6) And I like sherbert more then I like ice cream.
7) Unless it's cookies and cream.
8 ) I like to randomly scream.
9) I am violent with my words.
10) But I wouldn't hurt anyone.
11) I like to randomly say that I want to be something REALLY random when I grow up.
12) I like to be tickled, to a certain extent.
13) But I'll tell you to stop right when you start.
14) I hated Starbucks when I first tried it.
15) But then I tried my sisters and I fell in love.
16) I love the smell of old books/bookstores.
17) I tend to space out when I'm talking.
18 ) I could never sleep naked.
19) When given the chance to run, i'll take it.
20) I actually like the feel of a pop rock popping in my nose.
21)I like to cry, it makes me feel relaxed.
22) Nickles have to be the coolest "cent."
23) Esclators have to be the coolest machine ever built.
24) I love to play with the air can stuff you use to clean your keyboard.
25) At times I will kick my friends for no reason.
26) I like to say something random then run off.
27) Yes, I dance infront of a mirror and sing into a hair brush/hair spray/cell phone, but only to japanese songs or a screamo song.
28 ) I like to dance like a idiot in the middle of Wal-Mart/or Mall when I'm with a BIG group.
29)I like jumping from high places as long at thier not oober high.
30) I've always wanted to start screaming in a store when the intercom goes off, "THE VOICES, THIER BACK!"
31) I have a bad tendacy of bitting things when I have alot on my mind.
32) I often dream of just packing a bag and running away from my house, like litterally run and never stop.
33) I like people making me blush, it feels weird in a good way.
34) There are times when I get really twitchy for no reason.
35) If I had to be a fish, I'd probably be a butterfly fish... since they look dead.
36) People call me a spaz and I dont get it.
37) The word 'cute' when used towards me gives me knots in my tummy.
38 ) I like the word tummy, it makes me giggle.
39) I like to play with fire, alittle to much.
40) Pig latin is like, the only code I could ever yell in.
41) I use to get put down 24/7 so I get speechless when someone compliments me.
42) I always use windows/mirrors to look behind because I always feel like someone is following me.
43) I use the word hoe and skank to much.
44) I was born dead, like seriously.
45) I'm not suppose to be able to use my right arm, and I use it for everything.
46) Bubble wrap is like, oober amazing.
47) I look all around me alot, for no reason then to look around me.
48 ) When I'm typing something on the computer and I forget what I'm saying I usually look to my left for no reason.
49) I've actually started singing really loud at five in the morning.
50) I've spun in my room till I fell down, because I was bored.
51) I like getting hickys, I think they are cool.
52) Lip piercings, tattoos, and eyeliner on a guy are major turn ons for me.
53) When I am in pain ((like a spider bite, or something like that)) i'll poke it softly..
54) I can't french kiss right, I get nervous and bite the other's tongue on purpose (Softly though)
55) I have a thing for bitting people.
56) I apparently phraze things uniquely.
57) I drool while I'm asleep, and it bugs me.
58 ) Loosing my voice is like the coolest thing to me.
59) I like getting bit.
60) I hate wearing shoes, besides my chucks.
61) I am a strong believer in spirits/ghost.
62) Cellphones actually annoy the crap outta me.
63) I feel like I was born in the wrong time era, alot.
64) All I want is for someone to hug me and tell me i'm worth something.
65) I'm scared of losing myself.. if that makes sense.
66) I tend to feel worthless, and my family proves to me that it's true.
67) I like to pop my elbows.
68 ) When I dont know what something is... I might bite it.
69) I LOVE pushing buttons.
70) I yawn when I'm not tired.
71) At times I feel like all this is a dream, and I'm really in a coma.
72) I like to speak in third person.
73) I wonder why words are given to things. Like why is the color blue called blue, so I try calling it something far different from it.. like saying I like the color fence... then I start laughing at myself.
74) I've learned that it's better to laugh at yourself then to put yourself down.
75) I've always wanted to punch a mirror and it just shatter to pieces.
76) I pick up on the way people talk to easy.
77) When I don't have eyeliner on, I feel naked.
78 ) I can drink five energy drink with out getting the energy till later on that day/night.
79) I studder when I forget what I was saying.
80) I give up on words when I can't think of how to pronuce then correctly, and I will change the subject.
81) I like running into things when its quiet for to long.
82) Spider bites, or things that ooze makes me gag.
83) I've tried to kill myself twice.
84) Everyone only knows about one time.
85) I've cut words into my skin.
86) I'm a strong believer in karma.
87) I've committed Gluttony.
88 ) If you touch my nose, I twitch.
89) I HATE spiders, now.
90) I like taking LOOONG road trips. ((like being on the road for hours on end))
91) I can't go to bed without something to drink.
92) I use to scared of catapillers.
93) I'd die without duct tape.
94) I love jutboxes.
95) I hate fish...
96) Chicken isn't that great either.
97) If you can cook any kind of meat, I'll love you FOREVER.
98 ) I was a vegitarian for a week, then we ran out of cheese.
99) I love cupcakes.
100) I've wanted to jump into a pool with ALL my clothes on plus my shoes on and a jacket.
101) When I'm nervous I'll start laughing for no reason, or stare at something small ((like a penny or something)) for hours.
June 23rd, 2008 at 08:47am