I look into your pretty eye

until I know I'm in your mind

I have
my fucking back
as in lower back...just above the pant line

It is awesome. I asked ze mother she gave me a very explicit no..But no real reason. And normally shes fairly rational and i do what she says, but not giving me a real reason just shit me. So, despite my boyfreind (or um...shall we say 'snuggle buddy'? i dunno what he is) saying i had to be 18 I went out a few days later to get it done. You didn't have to be 18 you had to be 16.
Guess how old I am?

I swore alot.
and tensed.
And called the piercer a fat cow when i thought he was done but he wasn't.
And the piercer laughed at me because my first 'real' piercing was a surface piercing not just me nose or eyebrow or bellybutton or something people normally get.

But yeah
I'm so happy.

Suck a rush :)
June 23rd, 2008 at 10:15am