Sexual Orientation Anyone?

(Little Mikey, censored.)

Um, I was watching 'I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry'. It's based in Brooklyn *points across river* where, apparently, gay firemen are not encouraged? In New York City?


Mind you, the only thing I know about New York is my own neighborhood. So I may be wrong about the rest of the city but...

Okay. I'm bisexual. That's...kind of the point of this, a bit.

Actually, my point is to spark conversation about sexual orientation.

Of course it shouldn't matter but...

You know.

I'm from a big city. One of the biggest cities in the world *points at Lady Liberty* but still I live in a crappy neighborhood *points at precinct* where girls my age get killed at Fine Fares.

I digress.

Point being: you'd think that in a crappy neighborhood like mine--where people are living a block away from a precinct and selling drugs; where gangs are threatening mine, my family's, and my friends' lives; and where I was bullied at a tender age that has left me scarred--would have gay-hate crimes and homophobic related assaults...right?

Well, I don't know if you would think that but...

Here, it's f*cking encouraged.

There's nothing wrong with that, right? I should then feel comfortable to be true to myself and be myself around people, right?


Turning. I don't believe in that. That is utter sh*t. "Realizing" it is more like it. Here, girls are "turning" bisexual and lesbian all over the place. I know less straight girls then bi girls. It's like a trend. Me, personally... I, sadly, buy into trend. Sometimes. But this time, I know I'm not. How the hell do you know that, Little Mikey? Because I had a crush on a girl when I was 7 and thought it was weird. Then I discovered the term "bisexual" and I'm like "Oh. Well, that makes sense, I guess."

But I never told anyone, nor do I now. It' business and my business only.

But here's why I'm disgusted by sexual orientation counting as a..."trend".

It makes me more popular.


It's like people around here want to feel validated. "Oh, you're bisexual? Do you think I'm hot?" I'm highly disturbed.

Do you want to know the worse part?

Yes, it gets worse...

It's only encouraged in girls.


If it's girls, that's totally hot. The girls get to be, uhm, "free" and the guys get something to jerk off to. But if it's guys? The girls don't mind it, of course. I think. I know I don't. I "support" Frerard. And I once saw this gay couple making out in front of a club (yeah, it was late) and thought it was the cutest thing. (Well, it was. Or is it because I'm half-lesbian myself that I approve?) But guys here are just homophobic sexist assholes. It's like, "Oh my gosh, you're gay? Eew. Stay away from me, I'm scared you'll molest me."

This is only when it's serious, though. Of course we all kid around with our friends all the time. We are the lazy generation? No: we are the gay, flirtacious generation.

In the late 70s, kids in this city were being kicked out of their homes by their own parents for coming out of the closet.

*let's out a long, painful sigh*

All this scattered information translates to...

1. My sexuality makes it so I could be more popular. Just like every other "popular" girl who has "turned". Somehow, it makes me more...what, approachable? The fact that there is a chance I like you makes you interested in talking to me because you want to feel better about yourself?

2. People are turning "into" something they can't become. You are born like that, genius.

3. Guys (or at least guys in my 'hood) are horny, homophobic, and sexist.

4. People think that not being a hetero means you are always horny.

This pisses me off.

I have a friend in Kansas. He says he's one of maybe two guys in his school that are even half gay.

There are places that kids get beat up for being gay. I know this. We all do.

I'm not saying I would prefer that. What I'm saying is...can't people be more accepting and less big-headed? Like, at the same time?

I could say more, even overflowing into this "sin" thing (says the Catholic) but I don't even know how many people are gonna read this, so...

Please tell me your opinion on this. If I should care, if you agree. Or what it's like in your school. Anything. I think too much =] I realize that

Thank you for reading ^_^


I just realized...maybe these girls want an excuse to get a boost on their popularity by liking other girls, but still being able to like guys? That might make [non]sense.

My [heterosexual] friend's comment on this, "Everyone is bisexual. Or, they should be."

June 23rd, 2008 at 05:24pm